Break Fewer Things

Chandler Fenner
2 min readJun 21, 2021

Dear Reader,

Today marks the end of prioritizing perfection over progress. No longer will the visions of grandeur and greatness paralyze me to the point of inaction. I have found myself rather dissatisfied with the time I’ve allocated to writing about my story since graduating from General Assembly’s User Experience Design Immersive course. “If only I had more time, I could write something spectacular.” Such statements have resulted in 0 time being allocated to the positive habit I’d love to foster.

Write Less Wrong?

For the sake of simply taking the first step, I am going to write many things wrong during our time here, in this blog. Until, one day, I begin to write less wrong — exhibit A.

Maybe I’ll even get a few things right during this process. If you’re here, I hope you can learn from my successes and failures. I hope you choose to return and hear the story of how a young boy defied his middle school PE teacher and became the NFL athlete he was told he could never be. This however, would not be his greatest challenge or his scariest moment. That would come later.

A Story of Vulnerability and Progress

This is an unraveling journey focused on the vulnerability of embarking down a new path. This is about finding my voice through practice and progress as I strive to create enjoyable experiences in language, music, sports and tech. And as I find my voice in these various media, I fully expect you to laugh at my shortcomings. I thank you for being here.

To Progress,
Chandler Fenner

